[1st RAP] 嗚呼 ここにうまれたものは何だ? 一目では実体のよく掴めない 始まり 憤り ある物語 そう多くの人々の中に湧いたのは憎悪か 未曾有の感情か 否か そしてここから進むには… So What? とにかく次の何かじゃなくちゃだめだ 今とは違う 運命を抗う 何を求めるべきか選択に戸惑う ただひとついえるのはここはここだ かたちは変わっても自分をかたち創った ホームタウン is own 今までの運 共存の阿吽 色々なものをつんで 背負って 勇気をもって これらを 語っていかなきゃならない
本当の圧倒的なパワーはその時の感情すら持っていった 何も感じられなかった 現実か戸惑った 声も出ず視線は定まらず一滴の涙も流れなかった 覊絆と混乱と想定外の艱難 善でも悪でもない それらとは違う存在 依存の災 聞いたことの無い様な大地の唸り ぶつけようのない怒り みえない周り あわせたRadioから聴こえてきたもう耳を疑う様な凄惨な塊 現実を堅実にと望むものも確実に阻み非情に呑み込んでいく非現実 その時そこにのぞまなくてもいた いてしまった
擦れて傷を負った虚無になる心を無理矢理奮い立たせようとすることはないが 燻ってる焔を消してはいけない 拳を固めるんだ この見た目はやられても躓いても歩みはとめない しんに微かにあるおもい土台はまだ使えるレベル高鳴る心のベル やれる変える鍛える越えるSOUL
[BRIDGE] 両翼を折られても前にすすむ術はあるのか? 飛べなくても大地を踏み締められるものがあるだろ 耐えていくモチベーション 見たことのないシチュエーション 越えられないもの 渉れないもの これからみんなで紡いでいくんだ
[HOOK01] 過ぎた日は巻き戻せないから 新しいときでうまれかわるんだ 経験は全てを強くする力になる 繋がって広がって輪になってその先へと
[2nd RAP] なめてかかれない 避けて通れない 何も通じない いつの間にかにダークナイト 消えない不安 踏み場のない空間 It's Family Affair 親は?兄弟は?親戚は?友達は?仲間は?近所の人は?みんなの安否は? アスファルトが隆起して進めない道 マンションのロックがかかって開かない入り口 壁もよじ登った 力一杯ドアも叩いた 走りまわった 吐いた 頬をつねった 祈った 本当に大事なものが見えた二度と感じることはできないだろう心からの安堵 負けてもいいさ 賭けてもいい ときには逃げるが勝ちなんだってことの意 堰も実績も分析も儚く完全な安全は一炊の夢と歎く
目が醒めても本物だったこの景色 すぐに受け入れられなかった脳組織 何もかも無駄だって観念に捉われた 上げたはずの膝が力無く落ちかけた これはこれでどうにかなるだろ凹むなと諭されているような導かれているような ただただ明るい声と無邪気さが勝る そんな子供たちの順応さに希望をみる
暴動がいつ起きてもおかしくない程の強烈な飢渇 あらゆる欠失 モノを求めて理路整然と長く続く人々の列 痛みは違っても いたわりでそれを乱す者は居ない 同士 老人達が互いを気遣いながら言っていた
「正常になった時に後ろ指を指されるような事だけはできないさ すぐによくなるよ」
こんな状況でも自分を保てるアイデンティティ 何よりも投げずに信じているサンクティティ 寡黙だが温かく深く 優しい ここのみんなが持ってる強いコミュニティ これから先はながいんだぜ ロングウェイ たかがこれしき何でもない 堪えない 誇りに出来るものは出来るだけ大きく継いでいければ そう共有していければ
[BRIDGE] 新たななにかにも同じ困難はあるのか? いや、今日まで来た分前とは違う それは誓う 消えかけたステーション 教訓のスーパースティション 越えられないもの 渉れないもの これからみんなで紡いでいくんだ
[HOOK02] 過ぎた日は巻き戻せないから 新しいときでうまれかわるんだ 経験は全てを強くする力になる 繋がって広がって輪になってその先へと
[HOOK03] すぐ手を伸ばし支えあっていこう 誰もが同じ気持ちでいるんだ 何度でも諦めずに 心閉ざさずに 繋がって広がって輪になってその先へと
[HOOK03-FAKE] ゆっくりとでも それぞれの歩幅を感じてそこにあわせて ひとりじゃない 終わりじゃない ここがスタート このあと きみと きみと きみと共に 漕ぎ出していく
[LAST SOLO] このSONGがおわっても もっと高いところへ 昨日を越えてゆけるさ もっともっともっと声を響かせて 光をみせて
English lyrics
[1st RAP]
Oh, what is a thing born here?
At first sight of the substance cannot catch it well.
The story that it begins and gets angry, and there is.
What sprang out in so many people.
Is it hatred or unprecedented feelings?
And to advance from here … So What?
Anyway, it must be something next.
I fight by different fate now.
I am puzzled over choice what I should demand.
It is only here here that a person is defeated.
Even if the form changed, form made oneself.
Hometown is own.
Inspiration and expiration of the conventional luck coexistence.
I pile up various things, and carry it on your back.
With courage these.
You must talk.
Of time as for the true overwhelming power.
I took even feelings.
Anything was the reality that was not felt or was puzzled.
The eyes are not decided without the voice coming out.
One drop of tear did not flow, too.
Tribulation unexpected confusion and the fetters.
With them which are not evil by the good either.
Different existence-dependent evil.
Growl of the earth which there does not seem to be of what I heard.
The anger invisible rotation that I cannot vent.
I am known from Radio which I put together and.
The ghastly lump which seems to doubt an ear.
As for the thing expecting reality solidly surely.
The non-reality that I block it and I am cold-hearted and swallow.
I did not go to there then.
I have been.
A heart to become the nihility that I rub, and suffered a wound.
I am not going to brace it up by force.
You must not put out smoking flame.
I do solidify the fist, this does not look any stop walked even stumbled even if it is done.
The heavy base dim truly still.
Bell of the heart that a usable level throbs.
SOUL to go over to train to change which can be open.
[BRIDGE] Is there the art which advances before even if a both wings is broken?
Even if you do not fly, there will those steps on the ground.
The situation that has not watched the motivation which I endured.
I spin it from thing this which the thing which is not surpassed cannot extend over together.
Because I cannot rewind it on a past day.
I am born new and am replaced.
Experience is the force to strengthen all.
The connected and spread, in a circle, to the above.
[2nd RAP]
Lick it, and cannot take it; cannot avoid it.
Anything is the crab dark night during when not to be common to.
Space without the uneasiness spot to stand on that does not go out.
It's Family Affair.
A parent brothers a relative a friend?
A friend the neighboring person none of safety?
Way that asphalt rises and does not advance.
The entrance that I am locked, and is not open of the apartment.
Climbed up the wall; knocked on the door as hard as possible.
Pinched the cheeks which vomited which were busy for; prayed.
With the twice that a really important thing looked like.
The sincere relief that I may not feel.
Is it good to lose, it is good to bet.
It is sometimes the will of the thing He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day.
The dam and the results and the analysis are vain.
I grieve over the complete security with Is Fortune's smile a dream or a vision.
This scenery which was genuine even if I woke up.
The brain tissue which was not received immediately.
I was bound by the idea we even waste everything.
It was feeble, and the knee which I should have put up was about to fall.
It as been derived as is admonished to be Na recessed going somehow now.
Bright voice and ingenuousness are just superior.
I hope to see the adaptation of the children.
Any deletions, and intense hunger and thirst enough at any moment, even riots happening.
It is long for a thing logically.
Even if the line pains of following people are different.
The fellow that there is not the person disturbing it in consideration.
Old man who was saying, while care about each other
“Is it not possible just like that cause talk when it becomes normal, get well soon”
I improve immediately.
The identity that even such situation can keep oneself at.
Sacred duty to believe without throwing more than anything.
I am taciturn, but am gentle deeply warmly.
The strong community which everybody here has.
Above, I long from now.
Spread it, and is only easy this; is not worth.
The thing made in a pride is as big as possible.
If I can share so it if I can inherit it.
Does anything new have the same difficulty?
No, it which is different from the cut that came until today promises.
Station that was about to disappear.
Tradition of lesson.
I spin it from thing this which the thing which is not surpassed cannot extend over together.
Because I cannot rewind it on a past day.
I am born new and am replaced.
Experience is the force to strengthen all.
The connected and spread, in a circle, to the above.
I stretch out a hand immediately and will assist it.
There is anyone with the same feeling.
Without shutting a heart without giving it up again and again.
The connected and spread, in a circle, to the above.
Even slowly.
I feel each step, and put it together there.
I am not alone.
Here few starts the end.
After this with you and you and you.
I begin to row it.
Even if this SONG is over.
To the higher place.
It can be over yesterday.
Let more voices sound more and yet more.
Show light.